

Meridian reached out to its consulting firm, RSM us LLP, 并联系了类似的非营利组织,征求他们在选择下一代财务管理应用程序方面的建议和建议. 弗曼说:“Sage inteacct一直被视为非营利行业的‘黄金标准’。. “So, while we did consider other applications, we ultimately decided 圣人Intacct was the best fit for Meridian.”


Month-end close shortened by several days

Configurable AP approval workflows speed processing time


Budgeting and planning improvements fuel collaboration

60多年来,Meridian国际中心一直在推动世界的积极变化. 该组织将全球领导人聚集在一起,合作制定解决方案,以应对其社区和国家面临的复杂挑战. When those leaders return home and implement change, the impact can be seen across a range of issues, including women’s and girls’ empowerment, 商业与贸易, human and civil rights, and energy and the environment. RSM和圣人Intacct帮助Meridian的财务团队做出改变,支持并扩大其使命.

The right change at the right time

While Meridian is an organization that embraces change, its back-office capabilities had remained largely unchanged for years. “It was time for us to step into the 21st century,” says Theresa Furman, Meridian’s chief financial officer. 

该组织长期依赖于过时版本的微软 Dynamics SL进行财务管理流程. “We knew support for the product was ending and we would need to upgrade, 然后大流行来袭,应用程序的缺陷才真正暴露出来,弗曼回忆道. “我们需要一个现代化的, 基于云的解决方案可以简化我们的手工工作流程,并允许我们的团队在任何地方工作.”

Meridian reached out to its consulting firm, RSM us LLP, 并联系了类似的非营利组织,征求他们在选择下一代财务管理应用程序方面的建议和建议. 弗曼说:“Sage inteacct一直被视为非营利行业的‘黄金标准’。. “So, while we did consider other applications, we ultimately decided 圣人Intacct was the best fit for Meridian.”

Dimensions simplify complex chart of accounts

RSM建议Meridian利用这个机会重新设计它的账目表. 以前, 该组织有大量的总账账户来支持各个部门, 项目及基金. 《vwin德赢娱乐》中的维度总账允许子午线保持简单. “We only have to set up primary account codes now,弗曼说。. “When we add a new project or fund, 例如, we don’t have to add a new series of hard-coded segment combinations.”

In addition to simplifying the chart of accounts, 通过允许员工轻松选择他们希望包括的特定项目或基金,维度功能加快并改进了Meridian的财务报告任务. “This is so important for our project managers,” Furman notes. “Not only can they quickly get the information they need, but the reports also allow them to drill down to uncover additional details.”

Month-end close shortened by days

以前,Meridian的月末结算流程曾令会计团队感到沮丧. “It was entirely manual,” Furman explains. “从手动分配和繁琐的AP流程,到花时间追踪文件和研究交易,这非常耗时, inefficient and frustrating.”

Today, month-end looks very different. Meridian使用圣人Intacct的动态分配功能来加快和简化每月分配. 通过允许组织分配间接成本,它消除了对电子表格的需求, revenue contributions, and asset and liability amounts across funds, 项目, departments and other critical dimensions of its operation. “Dynamic Allocations saves us four to five hours every month,弗曼说. “Overall, our monthly closes have been shortened by several days. 这是我们现在用来审查和分析数据的时间,而不仅仅是移动数据.”

Payables and expense processing simplified

RSM also introduced Meridian to an integrated, 第三方应付账款自动化应用程序,消除了手动输入和路由应付发票的需要. 而不是, 工作人员现在将电子笔记和支持文件附加到每笔交易中,以提供背景信息. Defined approval workflows prevent posting errors, as some types of expenses are disallowed under certain funds. 弗曼说:“我们经常把我们的应付款审批过程称为黑洞. “Now we have full visibility into the entire process, 我们可以更快地做出反应,更快地将所需的零件和设备送到员工手中.”

该组织还希望通过集成一流的费用管理应用程序,大大加快和简化员工费用报销. “圣人Intacct有一个完整的集成应用vwin娱乐场官方,”福尔曼指出. “这些类型的效率是我们以前无法实现的,它们具有变革性.”

Another marketplace addition, 这是一个基于云的资产管理应用程序,与圣人Intacct紧密集成, quickly proved its worth. “We discovered an asset buried deep in a 2,000-line spreadsheet that had not been correctly depreciated,弗曼说. “折旧计算中的错误可能代价高昂——将其转移到专门构建的应用程序中,可以让我们对自己的准确性有信心.”

Fast access to decision-making data

Outdated information can slow the decision-making process for nonprofits. Through its real-time reporting capabilities, 圣人Intacct provides Meridian with rapid access to decision-making data. “这一实施提高了我们财务和项目报告的及时性, 我们减少了很多手动触点,从而降低了出错的风险,弗曼说。.

报告和数据共享的改进扩展到组织的预算和预测工作流程. 例如, RSM helped Meridian implement Workday Adaptive Planning, 一个强大的企业规划工具,直接连接到圣人Intacct. “现在,每个部门都可以直接在应用程序中输入他们的预算数据,”弗曼解释说. “它使我们能够执行自下而上的预算,这是我们以前无法做到的. 此外,它使我们能够轻松地在预算和报告拨款数据方面进行协作.”

以前,审计准备工作意味着员工必须为Meridian的四个主要项目类别vwin娱乐场官方数百份纸质文件. Then, following the audit, each of the pages had to be refiled. “Now that information is all stored within 圣人Intacct,弗曼说. “我们将报告打印成PDF格式,并以电子方式与审计人员共享. Simple, clean and professional.”


弗曼表示,Meridian公司在转向圣人Intacct后取得的最大胜利是取代了纸质印刷, manual processes with automated workflows. “We’re focused on value-added work now, not busywork. The office even looks different,” she says. “The paper and file cabinets are gone.”  

Overall, our monthly closes have been shorted by several days. 这是我们现在用来审查和分析数据的时间,而不仅仅是移动数据.

Theresa Furman, Chief Financial Officer, Meridian International Center

How RSM and 圣人Intacct can help